Using Customer Experiences (CX) to Build Your- with CX Expert Dr William Huggins

Introduction Nope.....Not at all!!! One must never ever confuse Customer Service with Customer Experience. They are totally different. Customer Service is focused on delivering a service at the point of interaction. Customer Experience is a far more in-depth, strategic, Tactical, Customer-centric and employee-centric approach. It forces the business owner/strategist to analyse the output and outcome of the product or...

Basic export strategies – Understanding Uppsala, Network and Born-Globals

Introduction Are you thinking of exporting that product and /or service? If yes, I would like to tell you about some of the approaches firms have undertaken while trying to get their products beyond their shores. Understanding these different approaches can help you to develop your strategies and even assess the strategies of your competitors. We...

Marketing a New Product? We have Married Marketing and Change Management to help you

I was providing consultancy support to a few companies in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean. They were trying to get their new products and services to the market. In these instances, we, at Winnow focus on building a Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy. The GTM strategy does not only focus on promotions but also on the...